
My name is Muhammad Zeeshan, a father of 3 wonderful children. Born in Karachi, I now reside in Islamabad, Pakistan.

I work as a Cloud Consultant in a Developer Experience and SRE team for a leading digital customer platform. I have a passion for learning, especially in the areas of cloud computing, development, web3, and AI.

While I am a big fan of Microsoft Azure, I often get the opportunity to work with other public cloud providers, including AWS and Google Cloud Platform.

I believe in the motto “Sharing is Caring,” which inspired me to start this blog. Here, I share the knowledge and insights I have gained over the past 10 years in the IT industry.

In this blog, I will write about various services on GCP, Microsoft Azure, and AWS. You will also find articles on different tech stacks such as .NET, MERN, Java and DevOps tooling which includes Infrastructure as Code (IaC), automation, CI/CD, monitoring, development, deployment and security.

Read on, and enjoy.